Have a more active life!
Do you feel stuck in a rut? Do you see yourself doing the same things day after day and those calories increasing, but you can never find time to go to the gym? We do! With half the day spent in front of a computer and walking from one side to the other in public transportation, we here at EscapeShoes are a clear example of someone that never has time to exercise.
It’s with this in mind that we decided to go looking for small exercises that could be done in our day-to-day and thus getting more in shape, and, of course, we decided to share them with you so that you can also enjoy those “dead” moments in your day-to-day to the fullest! Are you ready to exercise with us?
Choose the stairs
It’s as simple as that! Whenever you have the opportunity, use the stairs instead of the elevator. If you have the time, try to go up a step at a time, to exercise your legs more.
Park far away
Instead of looking for the place closest to the entrance of the building you want to go, choose the farthest place and walk the rest by foot. Hence, the next time you go shopping, remember this great opportunity to stretch your legs!
While you’re waiting in line
Or when you’re waiting for the green light to cross the street, or waiting for the bus/train, take the chance to do small physical exercises. For example, stay on your tiptoes and lower your feet slowly to the initial position. You can repeat this process as many times as you can while waiting in line (just remember to take some intervals in case you’re in line for too long).
Don’t sit around watching TV!
Workout while watching TV! Intervals are a great opportunity to do a little jogging in place. Another idea is when you’re watching the news or your stories, try to lift small weights, it can even be a book or a small statuette.
Sitting while waiting for your doctor’s appointment?
We all know how annoying it can be to wait to be called by the doctor. So, we leave you this idea to entertain and exercise at the same time: raise your legs from the ground and stay with them stretch as long as you can, then after the feet touch the ground, repeat the process.
Workout at your desk
There are many people that work at their desks, and so take the risk of not exercising regularly and then, when it’s time to do a little physical effort, they get sored very quickly. Therefore, if you’re one of these people, like we are, find little intervals to do the exercises that we show on the image below. You can even do these exercises while you’re on the computer surfing through EscapeShoes!
So, do you already have ideas to workout in your day-to-day? Do you perhaps have any other small exercises that you do to stay in shape? Tell us on the comments below! Maybe your idea will become a future practice here at EscapeShoes!