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In many cultures, especially Japanese, going inside the house with shoes that you use on the street on is something that’s frowned upon and don’t even allowed. However, if you think that it’s only a matter of tradition, you’re very wrong. In fact, there are scientific facts that support that we shouldn’t use shoes indoors. Do you know why? Because there could be up to 440.000 different bacteria present in the soles of your shoes.
Researchers from the University of Arizona, USA, found out these hundreds of thousands of bacteria in 96% of the tested shoes. Among which were some that cause infection of the urinary tract, breathing infections and severe digestion problems that could result in kidney damage or could even be lethal.
It’s perfectly normal to not even bother taking your shoes off as you as you come home. You’re tired after a long day at work, come home, go to the fridge to get something to eat and then go to the living room and sometimes even lie down with your street shoes on the sofa. Don’t say you haven’t, we’ve all been there.
But now imagine all the places you walk through during the day: public bathrooms, subway stations, restaurants, etc… And then imagine bringing all that filth inside your house. The harm is even greater with children around because they don’t have as strong immunity system as ours and have the habit of playing on the floor, the same floor where the hundreds of bacteria that you’ve brought home are.
The ideal’s to have a small cabinet to place your shoes in the lobby, so that way you never forget! However, the benefits don’t stop here! If before you go inside the house you take off your shoes, you’ll be saving hours of cleaning the house since you won’t be bringing as much dirt inside!
Now that you already know the danger that may occur by using your shoes at home, you can alert and protect the ones you care about the most! And when you need to go outside, you already know where you can find the best shoes, at EscapeShoes of course!