Impressive discounts at EscapeShoes!

Impressive discounts at EscapeShoes!

Do you want to know what true discounts are? Then, take a look at our online store and get ready to be surprised! You will be able to find products up to 70% off! Today, I’m just going to show you some of those that I believe to be a real bargain. Here we go!

We are going to start by pointing out three models for men that you are going to love. If you are adventurous and like the mountain, look at these models of Timberland boots! The three of them are brown, though you can choose between the different shades of colour. They are made of smooth leather with a waxed surface, which gives them more durability. The tongues are joined to the interior of the shoes by the sides… but, why? Well, it is to keep water and dirt out. And all of this has an explanation! The Timberland Bridgton, as well as the Thorton Gore-Tex and the White Ledge are waterproof!


Each one of them is about 100€, since they are 30% off. It is a perfect opportunity to buy them, so that you have a pair of water-resistant boots that last a lifetime! The best of all is that at EscapeShoes you can choose many more models, with similar features to these ones.

Now, we focus on women’s shoes with models like this one. What woman doesn’t dream of having Timberland Premium boots? Look at the Timberland Waterproof Brown. They are spectacular! And also waterproof! Well, now with 30% off, boots that were 240€, cost 168€!


Their leather is also waxed and is very soft and pleasant to the touch. Since they are tall, they are very practical to wear with skinny trousers and to not get even a tiny bit wet during rainy days. Furthermore, their side zipper helps you put them one much more easily, thus keeping you from tying and untying the shoelaces each time you want to use them. 

Since we mentioned Premium footwear, look at these Felmini boots. Now they are less than 175€, therefore you would be saving 75€ if you placed your order now. And these boots run out fast! You can choose between the Cancun Ruspolo and the Cancun Testa di Moro.


The first ones are in cognac and have the toecap and the top of the shaft darker. The Testa di Moro boots are in a shade of brown so dark that it is practically black. And why are they Premium? The key is in the quality of their leather and in their soles’ features. Their resistance and malleability are unmatchable! Furthermore, the straps that surround the bottom of the shaft are completely removable. This way, you will have different boots for each situation.

Well then, it is incredible that these Fly London ankle boots that I show you below are 50% off. I want to point them out, because they are a pair of black ankle boots that are amazing for any occasion, they match well with everything and they are super comfortable for the day-to-day. And if you are a practical woman that likes to be in fashion, you are going to absolutely love them.


These are the Myla Mel Black, and curiously they are the ones with the most discount, thus staying at 70€, but you also have them in Camel and Dark Brown.

Finally, I thought that it was an excellent idea to mention several models that could be more for spring. And at EscapeShoes, with these prices, you can seize the chance to get ahead and buy your favourite shoes for this summer right now.


The SixtySeven Rubber Black are a pair of high heeled rubber sandals, ideal for you to feel elegant during the most relaxed situations. Can you believe that they are 20.88€? That’s right, you read it correctly! Now, with just 26.10€, and from this same Spanish brand, you can buy the Ganchillo Pink sneakers, a perfect choice to be more feminine during a romantic date. Lastly, these Vans Biscay Green White are amazing to also use during this time of the year and to give winter a touch of colour. What is their price with a 30% discount? Only, 47.52€!   

Do you know what the best of all is? It is that these models that I showed you were simply the ones in my favourite colours, but there is a wide range of each one of them. Choose the one that you like the most!

Go online and you will find these discounts and many more! With a simple click, you will be able to place your order at EscapeShoes.

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